Log Your Story

JournalsAnthropologists have been ‘logging’ field notes in journals for years as a way of documenting their work with people. These notes are then used to help write up the final piece of research in a special form of writing usually referred to as ‘ethnography’. Gelf the Elf and I have written our own field notes throughout our research. However, we thought it might also be a fun idea to get everyone doing a bit of their own logging, so that we could compare notes to see where our observations might match up!

Now that our fieldwork has been completed, we want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who so kindly took the time to share their Christmas experiences with us. We really enjoyed reading all of your reflections and are pleased to report that we received over 70 responses to our online ‘festive log’. It was great to hear from so many different voices, and to be able to incorporate these perspectives and corresponding themes into our research.

Whilst the project has now concluded, we are of course always interested to hear new Christmas stories and reflections. So if there are any personal stories, reflections, photos, or artwork you wish to share, or think others might enjoy hearing/seeing, please do feel free to leave your thoughts and comments in the comments section below, or get in touch directly by contacting us at: lucinda.a.murphy@durham.ac.uk  

You may find some useful prompts for reflection in the ‘Explore the Themes’ section of this website. 

You can also join the conversation and follow our progress on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #TheFestiveLog

Christmas Journal 6 

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